Why is employer branding the key to your success?

“I think that one of the interesting things about this company, part of what makes it such a great company to work for and so different from other places is an openness of thought.” “This company green-lit this new imprint targeted to women in the middle of life.” “I think that there was an absolute game changer when ABC product was the first to be available on Apple’s iPod and since then I think that the sky’s the limit.” “I learn five new things every day.”


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If you heard people say the above sentences, wouldn’t you want to work for their employer?


Have a look at what else they say:


Exercise 1:

Here are some thoughts of Richard Mosley on the topic. Read the quotations and complete them with the words given in the table:

features;    identity;    associations;    distinctive;    qualities;     perceptions;    getting (…) across;    employment experience;    prospective;    specific;    core;    stand for;

(a)“From the organisation’s perspective, the employer brand sums up the key (1)__________ current and (2)__________ employees identify with you as an employer, whether economic (compensation and benefits), functional (e.g. learning new skills) or psychological (e.g. sense of (3)__________ and status).”

(b)“The real brand lives not in the model, but in people’s everyday experience of the brand and the rather more untidy cluster of (4)__________ and (5)__________ that they carry around in their heads.”

(c)“This gap between vision and reality is extremely pertinent to employer brands. (…) It is also the tendency of corporate communication to gloss over the everyday realities of the (6)__________ in their assertion of what the company claims to (7)__________ or offer its employees.”

(d)“Creating a (8)__________ proposition: (…)You need to highlight the one or two (9)__________ within your overall employment offer which you believe you can excel in, rather than try and cover every angle. You also need to be (10)__________ rather than generic in defining these ‘special’ features.”

(e)“Ensure you are absolutely clear about the two to three (11)__________ messages you want potential candidates and current employees to consistently associate with the employer brand, and put 90% of your attention into (12)__________ these core messages __________.”

Published by Shoulders of Giants
, http://marksherrington.com/downloads/Richard%20Mosley%20eArticle.pdf

Exercise 2:

Below you can find some key vocabulary related to employer branding. Match the words with their definitions:

(a) loyalty 1.the hard work and loyalty that someone gives to an organization
(b) retention 2.made better
(c) enhanced (attraction) 3.employing
(d) engagement 4.the habit of not being at work when you should be, usually without a good reason

(e) absenteeism

5.letting your employees go
(f) commitment 6.the introduction of someone into a new job, company, official position etc.
(g) peer 7.the quality of remaining faithful to your friends, principles, country, employer etc.
(h) induction 8.leaving or soon to leave a place, position or job
(i) disengagement 9.the feeling of being involved in a particular activity
(j) off-boarding 10.someone who has the same type of job
(k) on-boarding 11.the ability to keep workers or customers from leaving a company
(l) outgoing 12.loss of interest or involvement in something

Exercise 3:

Watch the interview with Paul McGrory, the regional head of resourcing at the Royal Bank of Scotland and complete his answers to the particular questions:





(1)For an organization it’s about __________ and __________ its employees.

(2)HR can help (…) to __________ their corporate fit.

(3)It needs to be an authentic brand to talk about actually who we __________.

(4)To make sure that the individuals will __________ and __________ corporate communities (…) and to make sure that everyone within the organization is __________ and developing in the direction that they want to go.

(5)Employer brand happens to articulate who it is that __________ and __________.

(6)… to understand from their __________ why it’s a good place to be, what their actual __________ are, why it is a good place for their own __________ __________ and for __________.


1.(1) qualities; (2) prospective; (3) identity; (4) perceptions; (5) associations; (6) employment experience; (7) stand for; (8) distinctive; (9) features; (10) specific; (11) core; (12) getting (…) across;
2.(a)-7; (b)-11; (c)-2; (d)-9; (e)-4; (f)-1; (g)-10; (h)-6; (i)-12; (j)-5; (k)-3; (l)-8;
3.(1) attracting and retaining; (2) assess; (3) really are; (4) contribute and develop; growing; (5) we’re looking for; why we’re looking for them; (6) employees; values; personal development; growth


1 komentarz
  1. Reply
    Camila 12 czerwca 2012 at 07:47

    Well, your numbers are off. About 42 mliilon PEOPLE here in the US have no health insurance, and about HALF of them aren’t Americans. So you’re looking at about 21,000,000 Americans. HALF of them are uninsured by choice. They don’t WANT the health insurance. No, there aren’t 250 mliilon policies written. The vast, vast majority of Americans are covered by group health plans. My husband’s employer has ONE policy, which covers over 3,000 employees, AND THEIR FAMILIES. Maybe, 15,000 people total.No one collects the number of policies there are in force. It’s too vast a project, and every day, the number changes.References : agent, 21+ years


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