The topic of today is ‘’time management’’.
Lekcje angielskiego przygotowuje firma
Task 1
Read the text below to get the general idea:
Quoting a famous proverb ‘’time is money’’, people seem to realize the fact that time is precious and valuable. In general, they tend to understand that ‘’time equals money’’, but they do not necessarily know how to use the concept of time properly. For instance, the Pareto Analysis assumes that 80% of productivity can be achieved by doing 20% of the tasks, but is it so simple and obvious?
Some employees find it quite easy to organize their time at work efficiently, but others suffer a lot even trying to make things work. It is believed that an effective time management involves a careful planning and it requires a conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities. Although, as scientists matter-of-factly state, it is not an inborn skill, it can easily be learnt or mastered perfectly in the end. Along with self- satisfaction it can also result in the overall increase in productivity in a company. To achieve the ultimate success, what is needed is a set of useful tools and techniques how to handle time accordingly.
To begin with, the Eisenhower Method might be implemented. According to it, all tasks can be evaluated/ prioritized using the criteria ‘’important/ unimportant’’ or ‘’urgent/ not urgent’’. Just start eliminating non-priorities and stick only to the most crucial points on your to-do-list. Begin to use an online calendar or a computer planner to save time and learn how to allocate time to specific tasks. Purchase some software applications, which have a built-in task hierarchy to help you filtering and ordering task lists. Set yourself time limits and do not waste time or energy on useless things. Soon you will see that good timing can save a lot of time.
Task 2.
Study the words in bold and match them with their definitions below:
1. To take action or start doing something …………………………….
2. Forming a part of something that cannot be separated from it ……………………………….
3. Showing no emotion when you are talking about something exciting or frightening ……………………………
4. To think that something is true …………………………
5. Successful and working in the way that was intended ……………………….
6. Something extremely important ……………………………….
7. In a way that is suitable for a particular situation …………………………
8. Noticing or realizing something …………………………….
9. The skill of doing something at exactly the right time ……………………….
10. To decide officially that a particular amount of time or money should be used for a particular purpose …………………………….
Task 3
Use the above time expressions to complete the quotes below:
1. ‘’I like to do all the talking myself. It …………………. time and prevents arguments.’’ (O. Wilde)
2. ‘Until we can ……………………. time, we can manage nothing else.’’ (P. Drucker)
3. ‘’One thing you can’t recycle is ……………….ed time.’’ ( Unknown)
4. ‘’Everything happens to everybody sooner or later if there is ……………… enough.’’ (G.B. Shaw)
5. ‘’Time is …………………….’’ (B. Franklin)
Task 4
Watch the video ‘’Time management tips ‘’ and fill in the gaps in the sentences below:
1. We talk about time management but you can’t manage time. The only thing that you can manage is ………………………………
2. I was at a conference once and …………………….. myself in a hallway, talking to a billionaire, and I realized that he had no more time than I did, but he just used that time ………………………….
3. However, if I scan through my emails and discover there is one ( …….. ) which is absolutely …………………….. to move my project forward, I can …………………… that one email and possibly even ……………….. the other 200 and ……………… up making more progress than if I had tried to read every single email.
4. The …………………. to time management and to organizing your day isn’t ‘’do as much as possible’’; it is ‘’make as much ……………….. as possible’’.
5. To do that, you want to start by …………………. over what it is that you could do and …………………….. only the things that will give you the most actual forward …………………….. and the most results for your time ……………………
6. Do those first, then if you ………………… like it, do all the rest of it. But you can’t manage ……………………, all you can manage is your ……………………….. about how you are going to spend your day and what you are going to do.
Time is money KEY TO EXERCISES
Task 2.
1. To take action or start doing something …IMPLEMENT…….
2. Forming a part of something that cannot be separated from it ………BUILT-IN………….
3. Showing no emotion when you are talking about something exciting or frightening …MATTER-OF-FACT(LY)………
4. To think that something is true …ASSUME…
5. Successful and working in the way that was intended …EFFECTIVE…….
6. Something extremely important …CRUCIAL….
7. In a way that is suitable for a particular situation ……ACCORDINGLY……
8. Noticing or realizing something …CONSCIOUS….
9. The skill of doing something at exactly the right time ………TIMING…….
10. To decide officially that a particular amount of time or money should be used for a particular purpose ……ALLOCATE…….
Task 3
1. ‘’I like to do all the talking myself. It …SAVES…. time and prevents arguments.’’ (O. Wilde)
2. ‘Until we can …MANAGE…. time, we can manage nothing else.’’ (P. Drucker)
3. ‘’One thing you can’t recycle is …WASTed time.’’ ( Unknown)
4. ‘’Everything happens to everybody sooner or later if there is …TIME… enough.’’ (G.B. Shaw)
5. ‘’Time is ……MONEY….’’ (B. Franklin)
Task 4
1. We talk about time management but you can’t manage time. The only thing that you can manage is ……YOURSELF……
2. I was at a conference once and ……FOUND….. myself in a hallway, talking to a billionaire, and I realized that he had no more time than I did, but he just used that time ……DIFFERENTLY……….
3. However, if I scan through my emails and discover there is one ( .201. ) which is absolutely ……CRITICAL….. to move my project forward, I can ……HANDLE…… that one email and possibly even ……IGNORE….. the other 200 and …END…… up making more progress than if I had tried to read every single email.
4. The …SECRET……. to time management and to organizing your day isn’t ‘’do as much as possible’’; it is ‘’make as much …PROGRESS….. as possible’’.
5. To do that, you want to start by ……LOOKING……. over what it is that you could do and …SELECTING….. only the things that will give you the most actual forward …MOVEMENT….. and the most results for your time ……SPENT…
6. Do those first, then if you …FEEL…… like it, do all the rest of it. But you can’t manage ……TIME……, all you can manage is your ……DECISSIONS….. about how you are going to spend your day and what you are going to do.
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