English lesson: Hot desking!

by smarnad

The topic for today is ‘’hot desking’’.


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Task 1 
Read the text below to get the general idea:
The idea of sharing a desk – or hot desking – has recently revolutionized the way people perceive their workplace and the way people work.
It is based on the concept of a work space sharing model in which employees outnumber desks. In other words, there are more workers than desks. It means that a desk is not in fact assigned to a particular employee, but rather it is available for use for at least a few people, but it has to be booked in advance whenever it is required. In most cases every single desk, or a particular workstation, is used by multiple office workers interchangeably, on a daily or hourly basis or on different shifts. In some working environments of this kind, desks or surfaces might be equipped with computers and internet access, but in others these might not be provided at all, and thus required.
From a managerial perspective, hot desking might be found attractive because it can significantly reduce maintenance costs and enhance flexibility, along with mobility. On the other hand, desk sharing poses serious limitations on employee’s ability to control or monitor their staff. Moreover, from a psychological point of view it might be difficult to accept – since some people tend to associate their corporate desks with the idea of belonging to a particular organization, so for them their professional space is equivalent to their actual place in the company. Depriving them of their personal desks would mean excluding them from the workplace and bringing down their motivation.
Summing up, the presented model of modern office organization has both its drawbacks and benefits, which need to be considered before the model is implemented instead of an old-fashioned type of office environment.

Task 2
Mark the sentences true (T) or (F) false:

1. Desk sharing is a fairly young concept. ……
2. Hot desking means sharing one desk by a few workers. ……
3. One workstation is assigned to one employee only. ……
4. People can hire a desk per hours, if they want. ……
5. Internet access is not a necessity, but an option. ……
6. For many companies desk sharing is a way of cost cutting. ……
7. Hot desking enables employers to have a better insight into their employees’ work. ……
8. Mobility encourages flexibility at the workplace. ……
9. Having personal space in the company increases work motivation. ……
10. Traditional office organizations are a sign of the past. ……
Task 3
Watch the video ‘’CoLabs Communities …‘’ and answer the questions below



1. How has the number of co-working space changed in the past two years?
2. What is happening around the world nowadays?
3. How is the idea of co-working changing our attitude to work?
4. What do innovative collaborative communities provide?
5. What cultural shift are we observing at present?
6. What size is an average corporate cube?
7. What do most corporations aim at?
8. What do home offices offer?
9. What are the disadvantages of working from home?
10. Why are coffee shops not designed for work?


Task 2.
1. Desk sharing is a fairly young concept. .T…
2. Hot desking means sharing one desk by a few workers. …T
3. One workstation is assigned to one employee only. …F
4. People can hire a desk per hours, if they want. …T
5. Internet access is not a necessity, but an option. …T
6. For many companies desk sharing is a way of reducing costs. …T
7. Hot desking enables employers to have a better insight into their employees’ work. …F
8. Mobility encourages flexibility at the workplace. …T
9. Having personal space in the company increases work motivation. …T
10. Traditional office organizations are a sign of the past. …T

Task 3
1. How has the number of co-working space changed in the past two years?
…………It has increased by 400%…………………………………….
2. What is happening around the world nowadays?
…………Co-working spaces are cropping out everywhere.…………….
3. How is the idea of co-working changing our attitude to work?
………It is redefining the way we work…………………
4. What do innovative collaborative communities provide?
5. What cultural shift are we observing at present?
…………The shift to mobility and parting ways with traditional work environments…………………
6. What size is an average corporate cube?
………500 square feet per 200 square feet…………………
7. What do most corporations aim at?
………Reducing costs and enhancing productivity……………
8. What do home offices offer?
………An integration of work and life but also the lack of social interaction…………………………………
9. What are the disadvantages of working from home?
………Loneliness, slower business growth, constant distractions …………………
10. Why are coffee shops not designed for work?
…………Because of the noise and the lack of privacy …………


Image courtesy of smarnad/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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