All I want for Christmas…

Christmas is drawing near… It’s actually right behind the corner. And I’m sure you’re very busy with the Christmas party last minute preparations (or you have to deal with its consequences) and the year wrap-up before going on holiday.

Stop for a moment, though, and think of what you, as HR professionals, would want for Christmas…

to draw near – zbliżać się
right behind the corner – zaraz za rogiem
wrap-up – podsumowanie

Exercise 1

Have a look at the items listed below and find use for them in HR 😉
Match the items with their possible applications.

an iPhone (or any other phone) app          a crystal ball          a magic CV tool

1.    You could use it to see the new HR trends coming in the future or to avoid the mistakes you might make by employing or firing some people.
2.    Once installed it would send a subliminal message to all hiring managers within 10 meters of a candidate telling them whether to recruit the given person or not.
3.    Once installed it would run through all the CVs you’ve received and select the most interesting ones for you.


subliminal – podświadomy

Of course these are just imagination (and wishful thinking ;-). How about presents that you would give a lot for? Do the ones below sound reasonable?

1.   A new HRIS system. Aren’t you dreaming of something that would make your life sooo much easier by simply enabling a faster and more advanced data entry, data tracking, payroll management etc.?
2.    The ability to hire more employees. Hmmm, now, that’s something I’m sure all of you want. I guess, this gift is self-explanatory, so we don’t have to explore on it.
3.   A new employment brand. We’ve gone through this in one of our earlier lessons. It seems to be so much easier to work for one of those cool brands. And it makes it definitely less complicated to attract talent to such an organisation. Which brings us to…
4.    …bringing better talent to our organisation. If everybody who applied to work for us represented the top talent, our lives would be so much easier… and isn’t it the thing we all aim at?
5.    Finally, last, but definitely not least, a visionary leader… One that, with your help ;-), would lead the organisation to a better and brighter future 😀

Meanwhile, though, we have to handle organising Christmas parties and afterwards face their consequences.
In hope to be of some help for you, we’ve prepared guidelines for your employees on how to behave at a company Christmas party. Watching it is a must for everybody 😉



wishful thinking – pobożne życzenia
to enable – umożliwić
data entry – wprowadzanie danych
data tracking – śledzenie danych
payroll – lista płac
self-explanatory – nie wymagający wyjaśnienia
explore – analizować
to aim at – mieć na celu
handle – zająć się, radzić sobie


Exercise 2

Choose the best answer for each question.

1.    to make possible, feasible, or easy
a)    entry
b)    enable
c)    payroll
d)    wrap-up


2.    a list of those who are to be paid by an employer and the sum owed to each
a)    entry
b)    enable
c)    payroll
d)    wrap-up


3.    the act of adding more data to a written record
a)    handle
b)    wrap-up
c)    entry
d)    enable


4.    to deal with; manage
a)    entry
b)    payroll
c)    handle
d)    wrap-up


5.    a summary
a)    handle
b)    wrap-up
c)    payroll
d)    entry


Ex. 1
1-a crystal ball, 2-an iPhone app; 3-a magic CV tool
Ex. 2
1-b) 2-c) 3-c) 4-c) 5-b)

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