Międzynarodowa firma doradztwa personalnego Michael Page Interntional szuka doświadczonych rekruterów z potencjałem na menadżerów! Wymagania: proaktywność, dynamiczność, ambicja i zainteresowanie rozwojem!
Oto treść ogłoszenia ktora ukazała się na portalu firmy:
Mazowieckie – Warsaw
Dodano w 26/06/2009
O pracodawcy
Michael Page International has more than 32 years expertise in professional services recruitment. Over this period we’ve grown organically to establish ourselves as one of the best-known and most respected consultancy companies in 28 countries worldwide.
Opis stanowiska
To continue our growth in Poland, we are currently looking for experienced talented recruitment consultants with the potential to become rapidly managers.
Our consultants are trained and developed to the highest standards and rewarded within a results driven culture of hard work but fun.
Longer term opportunities are key to individual and business success, particularly within a challenging climate. As careers and markets develop, opportunities could exist to take the reins in any one of the 163 offices, all the more since we grow organically.
Kogo szukamy
We are looking to recruit pro-active, dynamic and ambitious professionals willing to invest in their future on a daily basis.
Michael Page – kontakt
Twoją aplikację otrzyma Jérôme Lafuite
Nazwa : WPJL4550
Aplikować można na stronie firmy.